Monday, December 7, 2009

Dog Park

Existing Site

Proposed Site Plan

Sunday, October 25, 2009

13/15 George St Sustainable Parking Lot

These are photos from today's visit to the parking lot. It finished about the same as it was designed with few if any changes. The wrought iron fence really makes the lot feel much like a Charleston garden. One thing Andrea ad I both commented on was that this space could almost be used for an event such as a reception. The watershed pavers used in the drive lanes will hopefully function to drain rain events quickly. I was pretty impressed with the ADA marking made out of pavers which was a detail I had originally not thought about. It was great to spend a summer designing this space and rewarding to finally see those CAD lines become real.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Wedgefield Marina

This design was an alternative to the communities proposed assessment to dredge the canals for around 1.2 Million. The cost to dredge only benefited the 80 or so lot owners along the canals and left the remaining 500 homes unaccounted for in the benefit. The goal was to provide water access for the canal owners to the Black River. The design is based on similar costs for docks of this side and could be incorporated in phases. It contains a private option for a riverside cafe. It also provides a kayak locker for residents who do not own a larger vessel. The marina would also allow residents in the multi-family areas of the PUD who are restricted from parking boats the ability to store their boat at the marina. Slip fees have the potential to generate revenue. This plan was not submitted to the board for review as they choose to approve the dredging prior to the plans completion.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Welcome to Parametrics, a blog started to follow professional and personal design projects. The approach for this blog is similar to the "What's on the Boards" many design firms use to allow visitors to see what they are working on. While the weakened economy has limited many professional design opportunities there are still many opportunities to continue to use the design process. This blog will hopefully showcase some of those and let you know what's on my design table.